If you are receiving inappropriate responses regarding products being out of stock follow the steps below to rectify the situation. One of two conditions on Shopify need to be met for the product to appear in stock.
Either the item needs to be available or you need to mark Continue selling when product is out of stock. Please make sure that Track Quantity is also ticked, since you will not be able to see the Continue when selling out of stock check box if this is not ticked.
This is what it looks like on the backend in the Shopify admin app.
If you are encountering this issue please make sure either the product is available or that the check box is ticked to resolve the issue. If not resolved, please contact Rep Support.
If you need to do this process in bulk you can follow the steps detailed in this article from shopify.
When you have finished updating the relevant products that were giving the issue please proceed with the following steps to resync the store and implement the changes made by following the steps below.
1. Log in to your Rep console and navigate to the sidebar and select Catalog>>Product Groups.
2. On this page you will find in the top right a Sync Now button which you will click and stay on the page to wait for the sync to finish.
Once the sync is finished the changes to the Shopify backend should be implemented and Rep AI will no longer indicate those products are out-of-stock.