You can have Rep's chat widget open on a full-screen view instead of a chat widget on a web page.
To do so,
1. Use Google Tag Manager and create a new tag of "Custom HTML".
2. Configure the trigger of that tag to fire in the event of a page load with the condition of that specific URL.
3. Then paste the script below into the HTML part of the tag and publish the tag.
(function () {
if (window.location.href.includes('{{key}}')) { // Replace {{key}} with the part of the url of the page where the Rep will be full screen
window['repContainer'] = {
selector: '{{selector}}', // CSS selector of container which will be parent for the Rep. Replace {{selector}} with the proper css selector, for example #repCont
// Example of an HTML which have to be on a page in this case: <div id="repCont"></div>
config: {
width: '100%', // Full width of container
height: '100%', // Full height of container
defaultOpen: true, // Optional, tells the chat to be open on page load
hideControls: true, // Optional, hides "Close" and "Collapse" icons
else {
window['repContainer'] = null; // Avoid issues on all the rest pages